How To Reset Dyson Vacuum Cleaner For Working

Sarah Taylor

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How to reset Dyson Vacuum Cleaner

Dyson is a well-engineered vacuum cleaner brand in the markets. Most of the Dyson models vacuums have some common faults that create trouble to perform effectively and normally. You have to know first about the faults and how they happen. Then you will have to learn how to solve those faults and reset to work again normally. Today we will learn how to reset Dyson Vacuum Cleaner for working.

About Dyson Vacuum Cleaners

Dyson is a well-known and most popular vacuum cleaner brand in the markets. Dyson has a variety of models, sizes, designs, features, and advanced technology vacuums in the market. This brand has small, lightweight, handheld, portable, and affordable vacuums for cleaning a tiny home. Besides it has ultra lifting high profile features, latest advanced technology, heavy, and more costly pricing cleaners for larger areas and workspaces. Dyson has a variety of models for multi floor cleaning and animal cleaning. Dyson exists with upright traditional vacuums, stick vacuums(corded and cordless), handheld vacuums, canister vacuums, and robotic vacuums in the cleaning industry.

Common Issue That Prevent Your Dyson From Working

Dyson vacuum doesn’t exist with any specific reset button. But there are many options to reset any Dyson vacuum again. The appropriate method will depend on the issue that is preventing the cleaner to work or turn on/off. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s user manual tips for fixing the troubles. Let’s check the most common work preventing problems in the following sections.

The Digital Motor Motherboard Is Faulty

The Dyson vacuums used digital suction motors to provide more airflow for vacuuming. Digital motherboards control all types of functions of the cleaners. If the motherboards suffer from any faults, the first step of the troubleshooting is to reset the vacuum for working the motherboards again correctly.

The Motor Is Pulsing

Sometimes the motor turns on and off again and again instead of running for cleaning continuously. It is a common trouble for the Dyson vacuums. When it causes the motor can’t provide its required suction power. The vacuum can detect the lack of airflow. The motor starts to turn on and off for pulsing to prevent the overheating, burning, and firing.

Filter Blockage 

Filter Filter blockage is a common issue for all models of Dyson vacuum cleaners. When it is seen the filter can’t perform with full suction. Sometimes the machine isn’t turned on normally. It is a matter of security of the devices. For fixing the problem you need to clean the vacuum’s filter first to reset the device.

Overheating Of The Vacuum

Overheating is a damage issue of the vacuum. Lower connection and high voltage is the reason for overheating. When the vacuum overheats the thermal fuse senses it and cuts the vacuum’s power supply. When the airflow is low the motor can’t provide the necessary heat for creating required suction. Clogged the brushes by large debris, full trash box, and less airflow also prevent the necessary heat providing for cleaning.

The Brush Roller Spin Issue

If the brushes are clogged by large debris, long hair, and any fibers. Then the brush roller won’t spin. It prevents the vacuum from working normally. It is a damaged  issue for the gadget. You have to focus on removing the clogged particles from the brushes to reset the brush roller correctly. 

Replace The Attachments Correctly

You have to replace the various attachments of the Dyson vacuums due to a variety of reasons. It’s important to ensure replacing the attachments correctly. Any wrong replacing can turn off the machine anytime. To avoid this, reset the attachments correctly for working the vacuum cleaners. 

Battery Charging Problem

Low charging before starting cleaning and during cleaning is a damaged issue for the battery. Running the vacuum for a long time can damage the battery. There are chances of overheating, burning, and fires. When it happens unplug or turn off the cleaner first to reset.

How To Reset Dyson Vacuum Cleaner? Step By Step Guide

When You find any trouble, first you need to unplug the vacuum from the power source. Then check the vacuums manually and identify the troubles. Fix the troubles in the following ways step by step to reset the Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Reset The Digital Motor Motherboard

You reset your faulty digital motherboard by power cycling. For this you turn on and off the vacuum a few times. Take some time between power on and off. Remove the vacuum from the power source for a minimum of 5 minutes. Reset the vacuum again for working.

Reset The Pulsing Motor

To reset the pulsing motor, first need to unplug the device from the connection. Detach the parts like-hose, wand, cleaning head, trash box, etc. Clean the parts and attach them together properly with well tightened. If needed, replace  a new one. Clean and fix the wrong connection. Press the turn on button. The vacuum will work again and the motor does not pulse anymore.

Check The Blockage Problem

If the vacuum turns off for blockage any parts, filter, brushes or motor, unplug it from the connection. Remove the clogs from the parts. Attach them again correctly or replace a new one if needed. Plug the machine again and turn it on to reset the vacuum.

Fix The Overheating Problem

Sure if the vacuum overheats you can reset it by the help of the thermal fuse. Unplug the vacuum from the power source. Only cooling the vacuum for at least one hour can reset the vacuum again. Make sure the attachment is free from clogs and the bin is empty to reset.

Reset Brush Roller Spinning

Check the vacuum belt and identify the issue. Loose belts prevent the brush roller spinning with full power. Remove the loose belt and replace a new one for working properly. After replacement, reset the vacuum again. 

The Filter Installed Correctly

Incorrect replacement of any parts prevents the vacuum from working perfectly. Sometimes, you need to detach the various parts due to a variety of reasons. After fixing the trouble, you need to attach them to the proper place. Make sure to tighten the parts during replacement. Then plug the vacuum again to reset  working effectively. 

Reset Battery Charging Problem

Reset battery charging problems help to reset the vacuum’s work continuously and effectively. Unplug and check the problems. Fixing lower connection, using the correct power source, avoiding cleaning extra long run time, and repairing circuit breaker can prevent battery charging problems. Reset your Bissell again to work by resetting a new charger, connection, and battery if needed.  

Reset Vissell Customer Care Support

You can reset your Bissell vacuum several  times. But when it happens repeatedly again and again, you may need to contact Bissell customer care support for future assistance. You can take the warranty facility for further reset.


Though the Bissell has no reset button. But there are a variety of methods to reset the device. The appropriate method will depend on your model. You can save your budget and keep your wallet full by resetting your current version.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Reset Dyson Vacuum Cleaner

What is the common problem with Dyson vacuum?

Most problems arise because of a blockage. If not a dirty filter or cyclone unit, then something could be caught in the wand or the brush bar. Once again, the lack of suction could be caused by a dirty filter or a blockage somewhere in the vacuum’s system.

What causes a Dyson to lose suction?

If the vacuum’s filter is full of debris, the vacuum may lose suction, causing the device to turn off automatically. Remove the filter by pulling out the purple knob labeled “filter” located at the top of the bin. Rinse the filter by running it underwater for 2 minutes.

Why is my Dyson dead?

When your Dyson no longer powers on even after charging the most likely cause is a damaged battery. This means the battery will no longer hold a charge and will need to be replaced. Once a new battery is purchased you can learn how to replace it by visiting our battery replacement page.

How do I reset my Dyson test?

Plug your machine into a working plug socket and press the yellow ‘Test’ button. Once the red ‘Reset’ button has popped out, unplug your machine from the plug socket. While unplugged, press the red ‘Reset’ button. Plug your machine back into a working plug socket and test the power again.

How can I tell if my Dyson is clogged?

The main sign that your Dyson vacuum is clogged is a lack of suction, whether from the vacuum or the hose. In some cases, there is no suction at all. Before you start taking apart your vacuum, turn off the cleaner and unplug it from the wall.

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